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Your humble blogger and webmaster is pressed for time and would just like to get some new drawings posted... so here they are.


August 1 was the Celtic holiday of Lughnasadh, the beginning of the harvest. The day was pleasantly cool from the last couple days of rain, a relief from the hundred-plus summer temps here.

There’s more to say, but not now... it’s long overdue for an update here! Hope you’ll like the new webcomics and sketch.


Been busy! Two new web comic installments, a new issue of Desert Knight News, and a new site for John and Carl. I thought it was time they had a place of their own instead of being mixed in with the drawings here. Check out the new site and art, and enjoy!


It’s Father’s Day on Sunday, and the Summer Solstice on Monday. A time to remember or spend time with our dads (without whom we would not be here) and celebrate the longest day of the year, as the sun begins its path into darkness and winter and eventual rebirth.

Warm thoughts and remembrances to my dad, this Father’s Day.


Muscle Meeting comic panelsHere's a sample of the 6 page comic I did, called "Muscle Meeting," for the Cleis Press erotic anthology, Muscle Men. In the story, a couple of guys get together for some mutual muscle play. The book is available now (not from me though, see the link above.)

Preview page for Hearts & Iron 5And, here is a page from Hearts & Iron #5, Entwined Lives Part 2: The Underworld. I'll post some more soon.

The Entwined Lives story arc will continue through the next several issues of Hearts & Iron, with the Greek/Olympic part concluding in #5. Carl and John’s journey through time continues in issue #6, is set at a Viking/Celtic encounter in the British Isles, and is entitled The King of Stones.

Entwined Lives concludes in #7 (untitled as yet), in a near future, with John and Carl’s descendants, exploring the outer solar system. It all winds up with John and Carl in the present, waking on that mountain top camp to continue their life together. The issues after that, at least for awhile, will be set in the present.

And there’s always more stories to tell about their early incarnations. I'm outlining a story about Ioannes and Kallikrates’s further adventures.

So... when will #5 be out?

I've said it before, but soon... a summer release has been the goal, but summer's here now; I've gotten hung up on details such as how a greek sandal should look, or the doors or windows to a house of that period, or finding that a rough layout that looked good in the beginning needed to be redrawn...

Thanks for your patience and support!


I grew up reading golden age science fiction; thrilled to the stories of galactic exploration and hyperspace travel.

The Atlantis shuttle is being retired, and our plans for future space exploration seem to have distant, indeterminate goals.

I quite like the idea of private space flight - and cooperation instead of competition spurring us on, not just to return to the moon, but to Mars, the outer solar system (yes, robotic exploration will play a bigger role than manned), and the stars (the last century saw both the first airplane flight and the first human landing on another world, is it too much to hope for a faster than light drive or transversible wormholes becoming a reality in the 21st century?


I've been at the gym more consistently... deciding to focus on the basic strength exercises (squat, deadlift and bench.)

I'm inking the pages for Hearts & Iron #5.

And that's about it! Until the next installment...


After a lengthly and rainy winter, it's getting warm here in the valley. I've been busy with a number of projects...Black N Blue poster art I did artwork and design on a poster (shown here) for a local event, the Black N Blue Ball.

Have had a difficult time getting to the gym consistently - something always seems to come up - but I did manage a good set of deadlifts last week, and I've got the scraped shins to show for it.

I was shocked and saddened to read of the passing of out, retired pro wrestler Chris Kanyon. Rest in peace, Chris. Condolences to his friends and family.


Not much to tell... and afternoon of simple pleasures this weekend, seeing a movie and strolling down an avenue of clubs, shops and bars... watched a few local musicians I know play an outdoor gig... it all recharged my batteries a little.

Another(!) online comic - Ursa Major - added to the site. I've gotta get back to Paul's Workout, and John and Carl's adventures in love and lifting...


It's March, and spring should be around the corner (though it's been friggin' cold here in the Valley.) Various projects have occupied my time: inking Hearts & Iron comic pages; creating poster art for an upcoming event which was used as a handout at the recent Southwest Leather Pride Weekend here in Phoenix... I'll post the final art when it's printed; production on the latest DKN edition. Played guitar a little too.

Enjoy this illustration of one of Ireland's mythic heroes, Cu Chulainn!


I’ve been sick for a couple of weeks this month... which has cut into the drawing time and gym time.

I'd always imagined John as superhumanly strong... so here’s a sketch of him lifting a li’l truck...just a casual pump for him. This may be part of a comic down the road...

And there’s a new Hearts & Iron webcomic... Carl has a romantic surprise for John! More to come. And then we’ll catch up with Big Paul and his workout.

Hmmm, who is stronger, Paul or John?


The new year has brought a number of changes.

I moved.

I had been laid off for several months after 10 years at a graphic design job.

Currently, I'm working as a part time designer/artist for .

I played guitar and sang recently at an open mike night at a Scottsdale Club.

On New Year’s Day, 2000, I began inking page one of Hearts & Iron #1. My web site, Jeff’s Muscle Studio, debuted on Labor Day, 2001.

The book (and myself) have been written about in Instinct, Compete and the Argentine publication Pagina 12.

I’ve created graphics for print and the web, produced 4 color publications, created and updated web content with software and html, and created storyboards and Flash animations (some traditonal 2D animation as well.) If you need any such work done, or know of anyone who does, please contact me.

My site has always been free to view; if you feel that you have gotten enjoyment over the years from my work, please think of throwing some commissions or job referrals my way. There is also a donate button on the home page.

Oh, and I draw the human figure pretty well! If you have a drawing you’d like done, contact me (check the estimate on the Contact page to see if it’s in your budget.)


Muscle Men book coverMuscle Men, an erotic anthology, Cleis Press. Now available. I contributed a six page comic story called "Muscle Meeting."


Ionnes and Kallikrates wrestle  Hearts & Iron comics are available!
Go to the Store to order.



Patte d'Ours/Bears paw 3.0, a French bear art site, with a page devoted to my artwork...

Pagina 12, an Argentine publication, has an article about me/Hearts & Iron and 3 other comic artists. I believe it's in Spanish - happy translating!

Compete Magazine article on Hearts & Iron: This Comic Strip Stands Out

MySpace URL:

To make donations to Jeff's Muscle Studio, use this button:

Sketch of the Week
Kallikrates and Ioannes running with their dog Cerberus.

t shirtsCards, T shirts and other items are available at my CafePress store!
  Click here to go to the Jeff's Muscle Studio Cafepress store.

All artwork is © Jeff Jacklin except where otherwise noted. See individual images for copyright dates.

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